My approach
“Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength”
- Sigmund Freud
Counselling is a process with a planned and structured approach to each individual set of circumstances, and requires all parties to come together and work towards an agreed goal. I am there to facilitate, encourage, support and empower you.
Openly communicate and get to know your true self. Be heard and get help to understand what, how and why you are having certain feelings.
Explore your feelings and receive empathetic understanding and support in organising your thoughts to make sense of them.
Develop the ability to review and understand your own needs and make changes in a positive way, asking yourself the right questions to help you make beneficial decisions.
Learn to embrace change and seek new opportunities to find balance and purpose in your life, allowing you to manage any future barriers in your individual life and relationships.
Align with self-validation, learn to manage conflict and start to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.